Steve Sachs Duke


Sunday, October 26, 2003


Hmm... From the NYT account of the attack on the Rashid Hotel:

Altogether the launcher held 40 missile pods, said Brig. Gen. Martin E. Dempsey, commander of the First Armored Division, whose responsibility is the security of Baghdad. He was speaking at a news conference this evening, held in a building in the compound near the Rashid Hotel.

Half the missiles were 68 millimeter, which have a range of two to three miles; the others were 85 millimeter, whose range is three to four miles, he said. The smaller ones were French made, and designed for use by helicopters. The others were Russian. The French rockets, officers said, were quite new, and likely purchased after the arms embargo was in place.

"They were in pristine condition," said one military officer who inspected the rocket tubes and assembly.

Saddam Hussein had weapons of this type in his arsenal, but General Dempsey said he did not know the origins of these missiles.




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